Welcome to Western Maine's largest and oldest organization dedicated to the promotion and preservation of our outdoor heritage.
One of the programs funded by our Fishing Derby is a program that teaches middle school students about the life cycle of salmon. Using an aquarium with a chiller, they observe their growth.
In the spring, the class takes a field trip to release their work into the wild. Thanks to Rangeley Lakes Regional School for their involvement in the Fish Friends program. We hear that they intend to do it again next year!
The 2024 Newsletter is now available online. We hope you enjoy reading about all the activities of the past year.
The Board has finalized the dates for key events. We'll send reminders and announcements throughout the year, but a handy one-pager will be mailed to you with your membership renewal. Check back for updates and announcements, but here's what we have planned!
We are producing a bumper crop of Jr. Guides this year. They're enjoying outstanding experiences in Rangeley's exceptional outdoors! Thanks to all the volunteers who make this award-winning program possible.
The 2023 Strawberry Festival was a terrific success. We thank all those who participated - cooks, vendors, and volunteers. It was great weather and the shortcake was excellent. We look forward 2024!